COVID Update

Dear Family and Friends,

We continue to test staff weekly at LFCC. Bridgeway Estates is no longer testing. Results from testing this week are shown below. We are following recommendations from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

  • Little Falls Care Center – all negative results

The CDC released a report that indicates a national average vaccination rate for care center residents of 77.8% and of care center staff, 37.5%. Minnesota is in a category with higher rates for both, with more than 80% of residents and more than 40% of staff. As of Wednesday of this week, 70,049 residents and staff of Minnesota’s long term care centers have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. We are excited to announce we have conducted our second vaccine clinic at LFCC giving many residents and staff their second dose of the Moderna vaccine! We will be hosting our 3rd clinic at LFCC on 3/2/21 and our 2nd clinic at BWE on 2/16/21. As of today, 86% of care center residents have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine and employees 41%. 84% of BWE tenants have received their first dose of the vaccine.

We want to remind our friends and family that may be participating in Super Bowl activities to please social distance, wear a mask, and wash or sanitize your hands often.

Both Bridgeway Estates and the care center continue to host indoor visits. As a reminder, visitors need a negative COVID-19 test before the first visit and monthly thereafter. If you are having difficulty finding a testing location, please visit the website below to learn more about MDH’s free, at-home, COVID tests.

Looking for ways to help? We have a variety of positions available with flexible scheduling and on the job training. For more information or to apply, visit

Thank you again for being partners with us in fighting the COVID-19 virus. Please follow our Facebook page (@Little Falls Health Services) for all COVID updates and information on what is happening inside our care center. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Madelyn Blaha, Administrator, at 320-632-2061 or by email at