Dear Friends and Family:
Today we learned one of our staff at Bridgeway Estates has tested positive for COVID-19. The test was conducted today. This event triggers a planned process of isolation to aggressively minimize transmission to others. Our top priority is to keep everyone safe and healthy. We are collaborating with our Medical Director and the Minnesota Department of Health and are following all recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to ensure we are taking all appropriate steps at this time.
Unfortunately under the new CMS and MDH guidelines, we must restrict all visitation except compassionate caregivers and essential caregivers at this time. Our congregate dining and activities are stopped at this time. We will be conducting testing of all staff and residents. Once we have gone 14 days with no new COVID cases, we can reopen to visitation and resume congregate dining/activities.
As we’ve shared several times, in early March, we initiated proactive infection control practices, screening procedures and visitor restrictions that will help us manage this situation as effectively as possible and protect the safety and health of all who live and work here.
We will continue to update you on any news, emerging issues, or additional changes in our operations via Bright Arrow, email, website, and our Facebook page.
We know that this news may concern you or that you may have questions about what we are doing to keep everyone safe and healthy. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at 320.632.2061 or mblaha@lfhs.sfhs.org.
Madelyn Blaha
Administrator, Little Falls Health Services